Hello October!

This month is my personal favourite. It was October when I for the first time truly fell for a guy. It also happens to be the birthday month of the person I love the most- my father.

But the real reason why October excites me, is the winter air that comes with it. I wallow in waking up to the cold, pleasant mornings. Everything around me in a trice becomes much more beautiful. It is the time of the year when the sun feels a little bit lethargic, which for a person living in the tropics is a blessing. So I basically am as happy as the vampire who can walk freely during the day without getting burned.

It is also the hustle and bustle of the homes that makes October more interesting. Every household is on a cleaning spree, getting ready for the festival of lights. Cleaning and redecorating the house are the two things I absolutely love doing. I am planning to do a little room makeover this time. I won’t be doing much. I’ll just rearrange the furniture and maybe hang something on one of the walls. This reminds me of all the shopping I’ll be doing online. I am looking forward to the Flipkart #BigBillionDays and the huge Amazon sale that is coming up. After all, who doesn’t want to buy things they don’t need at cheap prices.

This year, the first day of October coincides with the first day of Navratri, more popularly known as the longest dance festival of the world. I call myself a dancer but Garba is something I never liked. In fact, no one in my family is a fan. Looks like I am not Gujarati in taste. More recently, I have tricked myself into believing that Navratri is the Gujarati Sunburn. It is good fun partying with friends for a few nights at a stretch. Coincidentally, my good old friend from Delhi is coming to town and I just know that we’re going to have a blast.

However, being an aspiring civil servant I practically will be spending majority of my day reading textbooks. My mid semester exams are also on the doorstep for which I am not so prepared. But I won’t let any of it lose the enthusiasm and the good feeling I have for October. Ironically, I also can’t wait for the month to end for that is when I am taking a family trip to Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Happy October, everyone!

One thought on “Hello October!

  1. ravindra nayak June 2, 2018 / 7:40 pm

    October breezes and Navratri and full of weeks of weeks of traditional Garba goes on and on…and hope so had a nice n exciting trip of Andaman n Nicobar island,cheers!!!💐


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