5 Virtues For A Better Life

If someone wishes to read just one book in their entire life, I’d suggest them to read Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography. It is a moving memoir of a virtuous man who beats all odds and becomes a big man. I found the section of the book where he charts out his virtues very striking. The following are the five virtues that I think can radically improve our lives if we practice them:

  1. Resolution

    Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve. We all have dreams and aspirations. Although many of us lack the resolve to get what we want. This should not be the case. Be determined to do something. And once you are, show full commitment towards it.

  2. Industry

    Lose no time. Be always employed in something useful. Start by cutting off unnecessary actions. It could be scrolling through Facebook, watching too many TV shows or mindless texting. Read a book when you are traveling in a metro or waiting for someone. Learn to play an instrument or to speak in a foreign language in your free time. Do something you like, but something useful.

  3. Order

    Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time. This kind of organization can be really boring but it’s very important. If you’re trying clothes on, put them back from where you removed them. Don’t be lazy. Like you assign places for your things, assign time for your daily tasks like going for a jog, breakfast, doing homework etc. A sorted out life, is a stress-free life.

  4. Silence

    Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself. Avoid trifling conversation.This is probably the hardest part. Don’t we just love to prove other people wrong, gossip and especially throw sarcastic remarks? Well, that’s going to take you nowhere. So it’s always a good idea to think about its usefulness before saying anything.

  5. Tranquility

    Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable. We may have to face many unpleasant situations and sometimes be forced to do things we don’t like. But at all events, we must try to keep our calm. It’s not in our hands to change things so why bother? What we ‘can’ do is keep our mind in repose. Don’t let little things or little fights spoil your mood.

    Franklin lists down several other virtues such as cleanliness, humility, frugality etc. So, if you haven’t already, read the book for more pep talk on morality.